2024. április 20.
Önkéntesség Európai Éve 2011
Felhasználóbarát honlap 2009-2010

Ez az oldal csak archívum, tartalma ELAVULT – kérjük, látogassák meg a tárca honlapját itt.

Külföldi partneriskolát keresők figyelmébe ajánljuk!

2004. április 7.

A People to People International nevű non-profit szervezet, amely az Európa Tanáccsal is együttműködik, elindított egy külön programot School and Classroom Program címmel, amelynek keretében ingyen segítenek iskoláknak külföldi partneriskolát találni közös projektek, levelezés, kapcsolatfelvétel céljából. A szervezetről további információ található az alábbi internetes oldalon: www.ptpi.org

Javasoljuk, hogy az érdeklődő iskolák olvassák el az alábbi angol nyelvű levelet, és a megadott címen vegyék fel a kapcsolatot a szervezet európai irodájának vezetőjével.

Berlin, 26 March

Dear Sir/Madam,

People to People International is a cultural and educational exchange organisation dedicated to advancing international understanding and friendship through the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among people of different countries and cultures. People to People International is a non-political, non-religious and not-for-profit organisation. We offer a variety of programs that aim at enhancing cross-cultural exchange and we also participate in the initiatives of the Council of Europe within the European framework. You may find further information on our organisation on our international Web site www.ptpi.org.

We would like to establish communication with schools in Hungary to include them in our worldwide network and thus to foster international exchange and dialogue. We want to inform them in particular about our School and Classroom Program, which, we believe, could be of great interest and use for the children.
It is a free service pairing teachers and their students with similar-age classrooms in other countries. Together the classrooms work on different projects, spanning from correspondence and artwork to comparing the two countries respective financial systems. Interaction between classrooms occurs via the postal service and the Internet and may employ audio and visual tools, all according to the wishes of the individual classrooms. It is also possible to form larger groups where more than two countries work on a joint project. Teachers may choose projects suggested in the Program manual or new projects may be created. The School and Classroom Program is aimed at primary, middle and secondary classrooms, clubs and youth groups from all countries. The working language is primarily English but the program is also well suited for classes learning another language. The participating teachers and students are not expected to speak the chosen language fluently even though a certain minimum level of naturally is necessary.

We would be very grateful if you could provide us with contact information, especially e-mail addresses, of schools from the different regions in Hungary. Please, feel free to contact us when you have any further questions concerning the program or our organisation, People to People International.

Thanking you in advanced,

Lars Poignant/EM
Director European Operations
People to People International European Office


Elena Mancebo Masa

People to People International European Office
Jean-Monnet Haus
Bundesallee 22
10717 Berlin

+49 (0)30 88916433 office
+49 (0)30 88916434 fax

People to People International: www.ptpi.org
People to People International European Office: www.ptpe.org

Peace through Understanding

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