2024. április 20.
Önkéntesség Európai Éve 2011
Felhasználóbarát honlap 2009-2010

Ez az oldal csak archívum, tartalma ELAVULT – kérjük, látogassák meg a tárca honlapját itt.

Álláslehetőség a Koreai Köztársaságban

2003. május 27.

A Magyar-Koreai Műszaki Együttműködési Központ Alapítvány pályázatot hirdet matematika-oktatással kapcsolatos állás betöltésére a Koreai Köztársaságban. A pályázattal kapcsolatos bővebb információ az alábbi angol nyelvű felhívásból tudható meg.

Jelentkezés és felvilágosítás:

Magyar-Koreai Műszaki Együttműködési Központ Alapítvány irodája

1111 Budapest, Egry József u. 1. E épület (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem területén)

Tel.: (06-1) 463 2976

Fax: (06-1) 463 3446

Ügyvezető igazgató: Dr. Czoboly Ernő

Jelentkezési határidő: 2003. június 30.

Special Program for the Mathematically Talented

POSCO Educational Foundation

POSCO Educational Foundation would like to invite a Hungarian mathematics professor to participate in a special mathematics program being organized for talented students who have shown high aptitude in mathematics. As adjunct professor of the Pohang University of Science and Technology, the Mathematics Expert invited by POSEF will conduct research on Talented Mathematics Program providing theoretical foundation based on information gathered from mathematically talented students of all levels - elementary, middle, and high schools.

Terms of Invitation are as follows:

  • Salary : US$ 30,000 per year (US$ 2,500 / month)
  • Employer : Pocheol High School; POSCO Educational Foundation
  • Housing : Apartment house is provided by POSTECH

Tentative Weekly Schedule and Job Description

*Tentative schedule in the Pohang area


Monday - Tuesday

Wednesday - Thursday

Friday - Saturday



Adjunct Professor at POSTECH / Research and Information gathering concerning mathematical education at elementary, middle, and high school levels



Instruction to


School Students


to group of

advanced students

selected from

the three



(approximately 20 in number)

Instruction to

Middle School Students

- Classroom instruction to

advanced students

(approximately 20 in number)

- high aptitude students who are specializing in mathematics)

Instruction to

High School Students

(Saturday / 11:30-13:30)

-Classroom instruction to talented and gifted students (approximately 5 in number)

(- high aptitude students who are specializing in mathematics)

- Extra instruction to the prospective participants in the mathematics

contest at home and abroad

- Selection of students talented in mathematics

(Once a year)

Job Description

- Instructors will be given the opportunity to teach in both areas of POSEF schools: Pohang and Kwangyang.

- Preparing seminar and discussion meeting for mathematics teachers. (The topic may be on the trend and method of mathematics education in the world - Once a year)

- Making recommendations and suggestions for advancement of mathematics education at the different levels of school ranging from elementary to high school within POSEF. (Occasionally)

- Introduction to the methodology of mathematics education in advanced countries (Twice a year)

- Instruction in schools within the Kwangyang area (one week per month) (The time schedule is the same as that of the Pohang area)

Winter and Summer Vacation (Mathematics camp - five days both in the Pohang and Kwangyang area, respectively)







In the morning


Elementary school students ( approximately 20 )

In the afternoon


Middle and High school students: approximately 20 in middle school students and approximately 5 in high school students

- Info-gathering in advanced countries

- Preparing seminar and discussion meeting (for three days)

 ugyfelkapu  ujmagyarorszag magyarorszag.hu
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Nemzeti Erőforrás Minisztérium

1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 10-14.

Telefon: (+36-1) 795-1200

