2024. április 20.
Önkéntesség Európai Éve 2011
Felhasználóbarát honlap 2009-2010

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SAMSUNG - Koreai Nemzeti Bizottság UNESCO Oktatási Alap Projekt

2001. március 2.
Örömmel értesítjük a Samsung - Koreai Nemzeti Bizottság UNESCO Oktatási Alapjának megalakulásáról. Jelenleg az alap hozzávetőleg 800,000 US$ -nyi összeggel rendelkezik. Az alap elsősorban arra szolgál majd, hogy oktatási felszerelésekkel és írószerekkel lássa el azokat a gyerekeket, akik leginkább rászorulnak szerte a világon az elkövetkező öt évben.





1. Background

a. Michael Jackson Charity Concert for disadvantaged children, supported by International Organization including UNESCO (Paris), Korean National Commission for LTNESCO, German Commission for UNESCO, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Republic of Korea National Red Cross, German Red Cross, was held in Seoul Olympic Stadium, on June 25, 2000. A part of proceeds for the concert was paid to Korean National Commission for UNESCO, with the stipulation that it be used to

help children most in need of educational assistance.

b. Korean National Commission for LTNESCO proposed a joint project to SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. under the name of "SAMSL1NG Korean National Commission for UNESCO Educational Fund Project". SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. agreed to participate with the

additional endowment of KR~600,000,000.

c. "SAMSUNG - Korean National Commission for UNESCO Educational

Fund Project" was thus launched officially October 31, 2000.


This project aims to assist disadvantaged children among the UNESCO

Member States within the framework of Culture of Peace(Target Group age :

6 -13). We will provide concrete Educational Equipments(e.g. computer

equipments, desks, chairs, lamps, books, notebooks, pencils, and papers, etc.)

for the projects designed:

a. To help disadvantaged children in least developed countries of LTNESCO

Member States

b. To help disadvantaged children in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

c. To help disadvantaged children in the Republic of Korea

d. To help implement I1NESC0 Project on "Providing Early Childhood

Services for the disadvantaged children in Vietnam and the Republic of

Korea through the Fund-in-Trust

3. Priority Areas

a. Priority will be given to the project proposal for disadvantaged children in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

b. Priority will be given to a well-planned project proposal. The contents of the

proposal should be concrete and practical.

c. The spirit of local ownership is the prerequisite for the award of this

educational fund.

d. Project should be substantially and directly helpful for the disadvantaged


4. Modalities of Application and Selection

a. Who can apply

Educational agencies with a specific aim of working for disadvantaged children, and with an endorsement by the National Commission of the

country concerned

b. How to apply

1 ) Through the channel of the National Commission for LINESCO

2) A completed application and project proposal including time

schedule and concrete budget($) should be sent to the Korean National

Commission for LTNESCO before the deadline of 30 April 2001.

c. What should an application contain

- Following items should be contained:

1 ) The name of the National Commission

2) The name, back;~round, activity, full address of the pro'eo ct applicant

3) Title of the~roject

4) Background of the proiect

5) Contents of the project

6) Purpose and result of the project

7) Concrete tar.get group of the project

8) Plan for implementation of the pro'lect

9) Duration of the project

10) Concrete educational equipment of the project 11 ) Direct benefit of disadvantaged children

12) Bud~et of theproject

13) Proposed project Applicant's Statement

14) The endorsement of the National Commission 15) The evaluation of the National Commission

X Application is attached.

d. How the selection will be made

1 ) International Advisory Committee will be organized by Korean National Commission for UNESCO for the purpose of selection among proposed projects.

2) The first selection will be made by International Advisory Committee according to the merit of the proposed project.

3) Feasibility study will be carried out by Korean National Commission for UNESCO under the supervision of International Advisory Committee. 4) Final selection will be made by the Secretary-General of Korean

National Commission for LJNESCO

5. Awards

a. Magnitude of the award for 2001

1) In 2001, 5 countries from 2 regions will be selected among UNESCO

Member States.

2) Each award carries a stipend of KR#4~6,600,000

(approximate US$6,000).

b. Duration of the award

1) The duration of a project is from 1 year to S years.

6. Further stipulations

a. All equipments and stationaries received as part of the SAMSUNG - Korean Nationat

Commission for UNESCO Educational Fund should be clearly marked with the

following inscription:

"Donated by SAMSUNG - Korean National Commission for

UNESCO Educational Fund"

b. Wherever possible, SAMSUNG product must be purchased.

c. An interim report, including pictures, video tapes, should be submitted to

Korean National Commission for IlNESCO for every project every six


Ą For further information or a need for clarification, please do not hesitate to contact

Mr. LIM Seung-ho


Special Projects

Korean National Commission for UNESCO

P O.Box Central 64 Seoul, Korea (zip: 100-022)

Direct Telephone: ++82-2-755-2685

Office Telephone: ++ 82-2-755-1105 (ext. 710)

E-mail: shlim a(~,unesco.or.kr

Fax: ++82-2-755-6667 / ++82-2-755-7477




1. Submitted by (the name of the National Commission)

2. Name, background, activity of the proposed project implementation partner (If there are materials to explain your activity in English, please send them to Korean National Commission for UNESCO.)

3. Title of the proposed project

4. Details concerning the proposed project

4.1. Background of the proposed project

4.2. Contents of the proposed project

4.3. Purpose and result of the proposed project

4.4. Concrete target group of the proposed project

4.5. Plan for implementation of the proposed project

4.6. Educational equipment to the proposed project

4.7. Budget of the proposed project (including the percentage of contribution by the local agency in US dollars)

4.8. Duration of the proposed project

4.9. Direct benefit to Disadvantaged Children (short term and long term)

4.10. Full address of domestic project implementation partner of each National Commission

1.) Agency Name:

2.) Address:

3.) Phone:

4.) Fax:

5.) E-mail:

6.) Contact person:

7.) Position:

4.11. Proposed project Applicant's Statement

"In submitting this application for SAMSUNG- KNCU Educational Fund Project, I agree to observe the conditions and criteria laid down in the ANNEX,

SAMSUNG - Korean National Commission for UNESCO Educational Fund Project 2001-2005".

(Signature of Applicant)



4.12. Endorsement by the proposed project applicant's National Commission

(Signature of responsible officer)



4.13. Evalutation of the proposed project by National Commission

5. Contact Information

For further information and communication, please contact:

Mr. Lim Seung-ho


Special Projects

Korean National Commission for UNESCO

P.O.Box Central 64 Seoul, Korea (zip: 100-022)

Direct Telephone: ++82-2-755-2685

Office Telephone: ++82-2-755-1105 (ext. 710)

E-mail: shlim@unesco.or.kr

Fax: ++82-2-755-6667/ ++82-2-755-7477



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